www.Hypersmash.com 2013 - setting goals

zaterdag 5 januari 2013

2013 - setting goals

I spent the last two weeks in Italy. Not a ski holiday but a sort of family mountain biking / walking holiday.

We stayed in the mountains in liguria where we spend most of our holidays. There are some cycling passes (see photo below) which I've always wanted to do but have never been fit enough. This time I did them all. Even though the roads were closed to due snow. I was pretty pleased with myself after that.

I found being up in the mountains in Italy was ideal for just sitting down and contemplating life and what I wanted to achieve in 2013.

I ended up writing a page of goals.

There were organised under a number of headings:
- Self
- Family
- Health
- Sport
- Wealth

Under each heading I had a few goals. Sometimes there were 'smart'  with concrete goals to strive for and deadlines. Other times they were more just phrases that I want to live my life my.

I intent to carry that list with me (I've stuck it on my ipod) and read it each morning.

Also periodically during each day I want to reflect on what I'm doing at that point and ask myself if I am doing something that is working towards my goals. Often I'm not (e.g., totally unconstructive web surfing). I hope to use my goals to focus my energy and attention more.

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